Woodworking industry in Russia and the most promising segments of this industry.
One of the leading complexes of the Russian economy is the forestry industry (LPI).
It includes all production cycles, mining and processing industries. The timber industry complex includes various segments that contribute to the development of the industry as a whole. If we highlight the main ones, then these are wood processing, pulp and paper, and wood chemicals. The complex is a single structure and has almost no production waste. This is one of the few types of production in which waste from one production within an industry is a resource for production in the same area.
The following regional centers have a full cycle of the timber industry:
- Arkhangelsk;
- Syktyvkar;
- Tomsk;
- Krasnoyarsk;
- Lesosibirsk;
- Bratsk;
- Ust-Ilimsk;
- Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Forestry and the timber industry have always been and remain a strategically important sector of the Russian economy. The forestry complex plays a significant role in the Russian economy and has a significant impact on the development of the regions. Thus, timber is included in the list of strategically important goods and resources (according to Decree of the Russian Government of September 13, 2012 No. 923).
Of course, now the Russian forest industry is in a state of transformation and searching for alternative ways to develop sales geography, including by saturating the Russian market with high-quality materials. Investors who will come now and be able to establish deep wood processing will receive a quick return on investment and great prospects in the future.
The timber industry is a set of branches of Russian industry associated with the procurement and processing of wood.

Conventionally, all branches of the forestry complex can be divided into four groups:
- 1. Logging industry – timber harvesting.
- 2. Woodworking industry – mechanical and chemical-mechanical processing and processing of wood. Includes, for example, panel production, furniture production, lumber production.
- 3. Pulp and paper industry – mainly chemical processing of wood, production of pulp, cardboard and paper.
- 4. Wood chemical industry – production of charcoal, rosin and turpentine.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for 2022, more than 50% of all forest areas are concentrated in 5 countries: Russia, Brazil, Canada, the USA and China. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of forest resources – 1.2 billion hectares, 82 billion cubic meters of round wood. In Brazil – 126 billion, in the USA – 47 billion, in Canada – 30 billion and in China – a little over 14 billion. Actual harvesting volumes in Russia are significantly lower than the estimated cutting area, and the contribution of the forestry complex to Russia’s GDP is about one percent (1%). The annual production volume of timber industry products in Russia is more than 2.8 trillion rubles or slightly more than 30 billion US dollars.
The furniture industry is the most leading among the sub-sectors of the Russian timber industry, with the highest production growth rate. Thus, in 2023 compared to 2022, furniture production increased by 21%. Accordingly, after it, the production of chipboard and fiberboard showed an increase – by 6.7% and 11.3%. There were also 7.1% more doors produced in 2023 than in 2022, and 6.7% more wooden boxes. The output of other types of products from the timber industry decreased, with the lowest figure for wooden windows – the drop was 19%. The volume of production of paper and paper products also decreased – by 1.4%, wood processing and production of wood products – by 0.2%. In the structure of the main types of products, the production of lumber leads.

The Russian timber industry is an export-oriented industry. The domestic volume of consumption of forest products is small and without export the existence of a full-fledged industry is impossible.
The main export is represented by forest products made from high-quality raw materials – plywood and softwood lumber. Exports of products made from low-quality raw materials – pulp and paper products, wood panels – are at a level of up to 30% (the share of cellulose exports is about 32%). In fact, the main export of low-quality wood products goes to the markets of post-Soviet countries, primarily Central Asia (former USSR).
According to the Federal Customs Service, exports of Russian forestry products are declining. Thus, Russia exported wood and wood products, as well as pulp and paper products worth $10 billion in 2023, which is 30% less than in 2022 ($14 billion). The total volume of exports of sawn timber and round wood at the end of 2023 amounted to 25 million m³, compared to 27 million m³ a year earlier (a decrease of 7%). Exports of highly processed products amounted to about 22 million m³.
Despite the negative forecasts, after the loss of European markets, most timber industry enterprises managed to quickly replace their sales markets from European to Asian ones. Today, the share of Asian countries in the volume of lumber exports from Russia for the first time occupied 98%, while back in 2021 it did not exceed 76%.
China remains the main partner; in 2023, about 13 million cubic meters of lumber were exported to the country, the figure remained exactly at the level of 2022 results. Next comes Uzbekistan – more than 2 million cubic meters, an increase of 8%, Kazakhstan closes the top three – 1 million cubic meters, which is 17% higher than in 2022. Supplies of Russian plywood to the Chinese market in 2023 reached 240,000 cubic meters, which is 2.1 times more than a year earlier. Exports turned out to be a record; compared to 2021, they increased by 3.3 times.
The top ten largest importers included only Asian countries, namely Azerbaijan – 516 thousand cubic meters, Tajikistan – 482 thousand cubic meters, Kyrgyzstan – 417 thousand cubic meters, Iran – 392 thousand cubic meters, Korea – 340 thousand cubic meters, Japan – 337 thousand cubic meters, and Hong Kong – 283 thousand cubic meters. In total, last year Russian sawn products went to 51 countries.
Most supplies came from the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region and Arkhangelsk region. Almost half of sawn timber exports in 2023 (9.2 million m3, or 44.7%) were provided by Siberia. The North-West accounted for a quarter of supplies – 5.3 million m3. Far Eastern enterprises exported 2.8 million m3 (13.5%), Ural – 1.5 million m3 (7.2%), Volga – 1.2 million m3 (5.9%), the share of the Central Federal District is 1.7% . Today there are more than 43 thousand companies operating in the industry.
Despite the decline in the main indicators of the timber industry in Russia, the consumption of some products on the domestic market was still quite active. The financial performance of timber industry enterprises began to deteriorate in the third quarter of 2022, mainly due to the closure of European markets.
In general, according to experts, the revenue of timber industry companies for 2022 fell by 10% year-on-year, to 2.6 trillion rubles, and became less than $30 billion at the exchange rate at the time of release, «GeoBuro» company calculated data at the dollar exchange rate USA – 90 rubles on April 16, 2024.
Net profit decreased by 35% year-on-year, to 307 billion rubles. The main indices characterizing the performance of the domestic timber industry began to revive in the first quarter of 2023, and began to grow in the second. Revenue from sales of all forestry products in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 1% compared to the fourth quarter of 2022, and in the second quarter this growth increased to 8%. But even taking into account the growth, the figures are below the level of the first quarter of 2022.
The largest revenue growth in the second quarter of 2023 was recorded in the mechanical woodworking segment. Revenue from sales of lumber grew by 14% quarter-on-quarter, plywood by 22%, particleboard (including OSB) by 9.5%, and fiberboard by 24%. Negative revenue dynamics in the second quarter compared to the first quarter of 2023 were recorded in logging – 9%, which is about 19 billion rubles.
And this negative trend in the logging industry has persisted for five quarters in a row. In 2022, the total revenue of the 50 largest forestry companies in Russia exceeded a trillion rubles, or more than 10 billion US dollars.
EU countries stopped purchasing Russian lumber in July 2022 after the entry into force of the fifth sanctions package, introduced after the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.
Before the imposition of sanctions, Estonia was among the main consumers of Russian lumber and purchased more than 250,000 cubic meters of timber every quarter (1.11 million cubic meters in 2021), notes the press service of «Roslesinforg». At the end of 2022, exports to this country decreased by half, to 507,000 cubic meters of timber. Deliveries to Finland also fell by more than half, to 393 million cubic meters.
Russia has found an alternative to selling lumber to Europe. Who now buys Russian timber and veneer lumber instead of Europe? The European Commission estimated the value of forest products subject to restrictions at €3.16 billion, or 2% of total imports of Russian goods into EU countries.
In 2023, not a single European country remains in the top 10 countries importing Russian lumber. Russian timber merchants replaced sales markets with Asian countries, their share in exports increased to 98%. The main lumber, including those supplied abroad, is timber, edged and unedged boards made of spruce, pine, and larch. To a lesser extent, these are saw logs (raw materials for the production of boards), pulpwood and veneer logs, from which, as a rule, veneer is made for making plywood, and sawn timber from planed deciduous wood.
First place in the Top 50 largest timber companies. Traditionally occupied by the «Ilim Group», its closest competitor, the «Segezha Group», third place was taken by «Mondi SYMPK», which may in the near future give up its third place to «Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill».
The problems of the pulp and paper industry are worldwide, demand for products is declining and prices are falling. Panel production is outpacing the pulp and paper industry. If in 2000, panel production accounted for only 16% of the output of the pulp and paper industry, now it accounts for more than 34% of the comparable tonnage of products. And the trend for the growth of the plate industry will intensify due to the low saturation of the domestic market and the markets of Central Asia.
At intervals of 2–3 years, timber industry discussions begin in Russia on the construction of a pulp and paper mill. Probably, these discussions have other goals, since business has long determined for itself the impossibility of building a new pulp and paper production in Russia.
There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the decline in demand in the world for pulp and pulp and paper products, and the satisfaction of demand by production in the countries of the “global south”. Secondly, there is no “investment ruble” in Russia; never in the last 20 years have there been investment-attractive bank loans for long-term projects in Russia, and the main financing of the industry was carried out by foreign banks, at rates tied to LIBOR, EURIBOR, etc. -third, due to the low cost of finished products and high operating costs, an investment project with such a level of investment does not pay off within 10 years.
According to «Roslesinforg», the volume of investments by forestry enterprises from January to September 2023 exceeded 127.7 billion rubles. Thus, the investment activity of Russian timber industry continues to remain at a fairly high level. Despite a decrease of 11.3% relative to last year’s record figures, compared to the same periods in 2021 and 2020, current capital investments are higher by 2% and 25.5%, respectively. Most of the capital investments went to the purchase of equipment – 91.6 billion rubles (about a billion US dollars) or about 72% of the total. A little less than a third (35.4 billion rubles, 27.7%) invested in infrastructure (buildings, structures, power supply systems, water supply, sewerage, gas supply, communications, outdoor lighting, etc.). 10 billion rubles (about $1.1 billion) were invested in updating the vehicle fleet.
About 87 billion rubles or 68% were invested in the production of paper and paper products. In second place is woodworking – more than 22.4 billion rubles or 17.5%. 12.5 billion rubles or 10% were allocated to forestry and logging activities, and 6 billion rubles or 4.7% to furniture production. Compared to the previous year, investments in the production of paper and paper products increased by almost a third (30.6%, 20.3 billion rubles), one billion rubles more were allocated to the production of furniture (18%). The largest amount of forestry investment was attracted in Siberia – 51 billion rubles or 40% of all Russian investments, with an increase of 1.5 times compared to last year.
Among Russian regions, the champion in terms of forest investments was the Irkutsk region – 46 billion rubles or 36% of all investments in this area. You may ask why, the Irkutsk region ranks first in the number of forests in Russia. The territory of the Irkutsk region is 87% covered with forest. The main investor here is «Ilim Group» JSC, which has completed the construction of a pulp and cardboard mill in Ust-Ilimsk, which will produce up to 600,000 tons of cardboard per year. In addition, Ilim is implementing eight more projects in the Irkutsk region.
In second place is the Kaluga region – 12 billion rubles (9.5%). Several large projects are being implemented in the region: a line for the production of decorative paper and CPL plastics “Ultra Decor Rus” was launched, a plant for the production of sanitary and hygienic products of «Arkhbumtissu Group LLC» (subsidiaries of Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill JSC) is being built, the Hayat company launched line for the production of professional sanitary and hygienic products, with plans to expand production by 30%. Products are manufactured under the Papia, Familia and Focus brands from Russian cellulose.
In third place is the Moscow region, with 7.525 billion rubles invested in its forestry complex, most of which went towards the reconstruction of production facilities for paper packaging products. This year, L-PAK plans to complete the construction of a complex for the production of corrugated cardboard and packaging products, as well as a waste paper recycling plant. The reconstruction of four workshops of the «Arkhbum» JSC factory for the production of cellulose and containerboard has been completed.
It should be noted that in 37 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, an increase in investment in the forestry complex is recorded. Investments increased the most in the Irkutsk region, in the Perm region the increase amounted to 2.6 billion rubles (an increase of 2.5 times), the Moscow region invested 2 billion rubles or 36% more than in 2022. The scale of investment activity in the forestry industry considerable. The country is implementing 58 priority investment projects, with an investment volume of 595 billion rubles.

The top five absolute leaders in timber harvesting included the holdings Ilim, Segezha, the group of companies Titan, ULK and Mondi. Companies were selected based on two criteria: the volume of timber harvested and the area of leased forest areas. Last year, a total of 217 million cubic meters of wood were harvested in Russia. Collectively, the top five extract only 13% of all timber and do not monopolize the logging market. However, their advantage is access to boreal forests, the most valuable trees in terms of commercial and quality characteristics, which grow in places accessible from a logistics point of view.
The absolute leaders in terms of the volume of timber harvesting contracts and the area of leased forest plots are located in the North-West and Siberia. The all-Russian rating is headed by the «Ilim group». Its enterprises operate in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, Arkhangelsk, the Vologda region and Komi, where about 12 million cubic meters of timber are harvested annually. This is only 5.6% of all logging in Russia. The holding annually produces 3.6 million tons of pulp and paper products. Compared to 2019, Ilim increased the volume of timber harvesting by 2.6% due to the Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk and Vologda regions.
It is worth noting that, formally, first place can be given to citizens who harvest wood for personal purposes. They account for about 6% of the developed logging area. 12.5 million cubic meters of forest were allocated for construction and heating.
The second line is occupied by the enterprises of the «Segezha» timber industry holding, which harvest wood in the territory of five subjects of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov regions, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Karelia and collectively develop 6.1 million cubic meters of estimated logging per year, which is 11% higher. Higher than the previous period. This is 2.8% of all timber harvested in Russia.
In third place, experts recorded the «Titan group» of companies. It has concluded lease agreements for forest plots in the Arkhangelsk region, the Vologda region and the Komi Republic, under which the company harvests over 4 million cubic meters of timber per year or 1.8% of all timber harvests. Over the year, Titan “grew” in terms of harvesting volumes by 8.7%, but only due to the Arkhangelsk forests. In other logging regions, a decrease in volumes is observed.
«Roslesinforg» experts put the «Ustyansky Timber» Industry Complex (ULC) in fourth place among forest industrialists. The company harvests about 3.233 million cubic meters of timber. This is +7.8% compared to 2019 and 1.5% of all harvested timber. ULK is engaged in the procurement of pine, spruce and birch in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda and Novgorod regions.
The top five is closed by a large manufacturer of office and offset paper, «Mondi Syktyvkar LPK» from the Komi Republic, which produces 3.231 million cubic meters of wood per year in the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk region. Over the year, procurement volume increased by 2.3%. The annual production volume of the plant exceeds 1.2 million tons of finished products of various profiles.
In the district forest rankings, the harvesting leaders are different:
If in Siberia it is «Ilim» (9.2 million cubic meters), in the North-West «Titan» (4 million cubic meters), «Segezha» Pulp and Paper Mill (3.6 million cubic meters) and ULK (3.2 million cubic meters), then in Central Russia the company «Modern Wood Processing Technologies» (aka “Talion”), which extracts 780.5 thousand cubic meters of wood per year to ensure the production of laminated veneer lumber and fuel pellets, has taken first place. Also own home construction workshop.
In the Volga region, the leader in procurement volumes (877 thousand cubic meters) is the Perm manufacturer of newsprint «Solikamskbumprom». Last year, the company’s revenue amounted to over 11 billion rubles.
In the Urals, the production leader «Yugra Timber Industry Holding», a logging and lumber production enterprise with its own production complex in the Sovetsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, cuts just over 530 thousand cubic meters per year. More than 2.3 million cubic meters of timber harvested in the Far East are accounted for by the «RFP Group» company.
In the South and North Caucasus, the Apsheronsk production and woodworking complex has the lead – 97,000 cubic meters of timber per year.
The most affected company by the imposition of sanctions against the Russian timber industry complex was the «Segezha» company. Against the backdrop of a “structural transformation of sales markets” in the first quarter of 2023, the forestry company «Segezha Group’s» revenue decreased by 42%, to 18.7 billion rubles, OIBDA – by 91%, to 1.1 billion rubles, and profitability fell from 37 until 6%.
Forest rental in Russia
In total, 224 million hectares or 20% of the total forest area have been leased in Russia. Leaders in the provision of forests for rent: Krasnoyarsk Territory – 27.6 million hectares or 17% of the region’s forest area, Irkutsk Region – 22 million hectares or 32% of forests, Khabarovsk Territory – 12 million hectares or 16% of forests and Arkhangelsk Region – 19. 3 million hectares or 68% of forests. The total size of the current estimated logging area as of January 1 was 734 million m3, and utilization was about 30%. Traditionally, the largest volume of estimated logging area is in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk – 117 and 77 million m3, respectively.
The percentage of development of the estimated logging area at the level of 30% means that Russian forests are promising from the point of view of the construction of new large forest processing enterprises.
If you do not talk about the port infrastructure for exporting timber from Russia, then, according to experts from the «GeoBuro» company, the picture of the review in this article may not be complete
The volume of timber transshipment in Russian ports has been falling for the fifth year, and the prospects are such that by the end of 2023 it is unlikely that it will be possible to reach the previous year’s figures. Over seven months, our stevedores processed 1.48 million tons at their berths. A third of this result is Far Eastern cabotage, that is, transportation between ports of one country. As for net exports, in the period from January to August, 1.04 million tons of timber left Russia abroad by sea. In 2022, which was a disaster for the industry, 1.5 million tons had already been made by this time. Thus, the decline in domestic timber exports continues, and for the year amounted to 32.3%. Since the beginning of 2023, timber cargo has passed through the berths of 28 stevedoring companies. In 2022, there were four dozen. Almost half of timber exports are from Russian ports in the Far East. During the reporting period, 47.6% of domestic trees went through the Pacific Ocean. In second place is the Caspian Sea (22.6%), in third place are the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin (14.7%). The share of the Baltic is 8.5%, and the Arctic ports are 6.4%.
However, in the second half of 2023, the logistics situation began to improve. Thus, in June it was reported that «Segezha Group» agreed with the «FESCO» transport group on multimodal container transportation of timber cargo in domestic Russian directions and for export. The agreement covered transportation from the North-West, Central, Volga and Siberian regions to the countries of Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, India and China. Due to EU sanctions, which have banned supplies of Russian timber since last July, «Segezha Group» had to redirect its exports. The Vologda Timber Industry Group of Companies reported in July 2023 that the market was recovering, changing the export vector to the east. “The market situation is gradually stabilizing. If in the second half of 2022 logistics flows were disrupted and enterprises shipped products at very high prices, which made the products unprofitable, then in 2023 new flows are gradually being established. Today we are loading a lot of products to the east along new routes.”
Baltic timber terminals were hit harder than others by the closure of the European market. The North-West of Russia was historically connected with it. Finland has not seen Russian timber since July 2022. And up to 80% of the birch balance was sent to Suomi. Shipments to England, Denmark, and Germany stopped.
In total, timber exports through the Baltic ports collapsed by more than three times. In the seven months of 2023, only 89,000 tons were exported, while a year earlier – 295,000 tons. Almost the entire volume fell on JSC “Sea Port of St. Petersburg” from the business structure of Vladimir Lisin. Also, a modest 4 thousand tons were sent by St. Peter’s Terminal.
The regional leader of past years, the Factor timber terminal in the port of Ust-Luga, stopped transshipment. Bronka and Lomonosov’s Baltimore, as well as Kaliningrad’s Tsepruss, have no results.
Work with wood in the ports of the Arctic basin collapsed by the same 70% as the Baltic. Two people continue to work with the forest there. CJSC Lesozavod 25 in Arkhangelsk fell to 57,000 tons in seven months compared to 205,000 tons a year earlier, that is, by 72.4%. But the Onega LDK in the port of Onega was able to grow from 11,000 tons to 5.5 thousand, in the North-West, two local stevedores at once managed to enter the top 7 timber exporters based on the results of seven months. The fifth result is for the Sea Port of St. Petersburg “, the sixth – at “Lesozavod-25”. But the backbone of the leaders are the stevedores of the Far East.
Timber transshipment in the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin fell by 31.5%. They work with this cargo in Novorossiysk, Temryuk and, quite a bit, in Yeisk and Rostov-on-Don. The best result was achieved by NLE JSC (part of the NCSP group) – 106,000 tons, but almost half less than what the terminal did before. Transshipment of timber in the Caspian basin is carried out only in the port of Astrakhan. During the reporting period, almost 237,000 tons of wood were processed here. This is 13.8% more than a year earlier.
Astrakhan is a traditional transshipment point for Russian timber going to enterprises in northern Iran.
Russia’s economic friendship with Iranian entrepreneurs continues to grow stronger. Eight stevedoring companies worked with timber in Astrakhan. Almost half of the volume, namely 99,000 tons, passed through Astrakhan Sea Port JSC.
The ports of the Far East fell by 16% in timber exports over the seven months of 2023. Vladivostok, Olya, Posyet, Nakhodka, Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan collectively shipped 497,000 tons. Last year, by the beginning of August there were almost 600,000 tons. The best performance is at the port of Olya, within whose borders JSC Terneyles handled 255,000 tons (-15.9% compared to last year). Another 6,000 tons were added by Forest Cargo LLC.
Through Vanino MTP, 90 thousand tons went abroad, through Nord + in Sovetskaya Gavan, 34,000 tons, and through Nakhodka JSC PVV-PZ and Nakhodka Shipyard, 38,000 thousand tons and 33,000 tons, respectively.
The last issue not covered by information in this article was the question of prices. Before we start showing prices, let’s voice the concepts of certain indicators and sizes and measures adopted in Russia: the size of land plots, forest volumes, and other sizes. In Russia, land plots are measured in hectares, which is approximately 2.5 acres or 10,000 m². Wood and wood products are measured in cubic meters. Prices in Russia are measured in rubles, but in the article for foreign citizens, I will have to use the US dollar, and we take into account the exchange rate at the time of writing this article on April 16, 2024, the dollar exchange rate is 93 rubles per one American dollar. Another important point is the type of wood and the region where you buy it, so the Smolensk region is indicated for the article. Here are frequently asked questions from foreign citizens:
– What is the land lease from the state forest fund? The state enters into a lease agreement for forest land for a period of 49 years with the possibility of extension. But this does not mean that you have the right to cut down the entire forest in one year; there is a permitted rate of cutting down per year and planting new trees annually. The price depends on the region, the composition of the forest, how long ago the contract was concluded, the cheapest price we met was 2 dollars per hectare, the most expensive 12 dollars per hectare.

As an example: The company entered into a lease agreement 14 years ago, it leased 7,500 hectares of forest, the rental price is 3 million rubles (USD 32,269) per year, the permitted cutting rate per year is 15,000 cubic meters. The cost of planting new trees is 600,000 rubles, or about $6,500.
There are enterprises, farmers who leased forests, but changed their minds about doing this business, and they sell the right to cut down forests to other companies, and here the price depends on the following factors: the diameter of the forest, if it is from 10 to 18 centimeters, it is called small and costs almost 2 times cheaper than timber with a diameter of 19 to 38 centimeters. The next indicator is the name of the tree, coniferous species – spruce, pine, fir, cedar or larch. Another type is deciduous trees – birch, aspen, maple, alder, beech, oak and other types of trees. Let’s look at the right of the owners of such forests to cut down standing trees for one cubic meter in the Smolensk region:
– Spruce and pine – 2,500 rubles per cubic meter or 27 US dollars.
– Birch – 550 rubles per cubic meter or 6 US dollars.
– Aspen – 300 rubles per cubic meter or 3 US dollars.
– Oak – 9,300 rubles per cubic meter or 100 US dollars.
Now let’s look at the prices for lumber, round timber, unedged boards, timber and plywood.
– Round pine wood from 19 to 38 centimeters from 7,500 rubles or 80 US dollars per cubic meter.
– 1st grade edged pine board 30*150 by 6 meters price 15,500 or 167 US dollars per cubic meter.
– Pine beam 200*200; 200*250 for 6 meters price 16,000 rubles or 172 US dollars.
For one cubic meter
– Plywood T 3-6 millimeters from 250 rubles or 2.7 US dollars per sheet.
– Plywood T 8-10 millimeters from 440 rubles or 4.7 US dollars per sheet.
– Plywood T 12-15 millimeters from 640 rubles or 6.9 US dollars per sheet.
– Plywood T 18-24 millimeters from 930 rubles or 10 US dollars per sheet
The size of a standard plywood sheet is 1525*1525 millimeters.
Contact the «GeoBuro» company and we will help you purchase land plots for logging and timber industry enterprises in Russia. Also, our lawyers and experts can analyze the situation when purchasing an object and give opinions on the risks of acquiring objects in the Russian timber industry.