Wood waste processing in Russia – industry problems or a gold mine?

For over a year, “Geoburo” expert Andrey Kichaev, studying the problems in the Russian forest industry, saw in the processing of wood waste not problems, but great prospects that can be called the new GOLDEN vein of Russia.

During the wood processing process, waste inevitably appears, and in large quantities from 20 to 50%. The largest of them, about 15-30%, are boards with a convex unprocessed side – slabs. It can be commercial and non-commercial. If the first can still be used in construction, then the second is often sold to the population as firewood. Although even from seemingly unsuitable slabs, some organizations and craftsmen make a number of consumer products.
For its sale, the enterprise earns good money (the same bars and planks are always in demand in construction), and the owner of the home gets high-quality finishing for almost nothing. From the chips and sawdust that inevitably appear during the processing of slabs, fuel briquettes are made. And tree bark serves as an excellent raw material for the production of synthetic gas and resin.

A clear definition – what is wood waste?

Wood waste is any material that is obtained as a result of forest maintenance or commercial wood processing, but is not a final product.

Therefore, waste can be both whole trees and any fragments that remain after they are cut down or processed.

Most often, waste includes:

  • tree trunks cut down during site clearing;
  • tree branches and tops cut from trunks;
  • stumps remaining in the ground;
  • bark;
  • slabwood;
  • all kinds of trimmings;
  • fallen leaves;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings;
  • chips.

According to the classification of the Federal Classification Catalog of Waste (FCCW), clean wood waste belongs to hazard classes IV–V, that is, it does not pose a danger to nature, however, there are situations in which the hazard level increases sharply.

What can be made from wood processing waste?

Wood materials, which in one place are waste and clutter the territory, in another are transformed into raw materials from which various products are made.

Here are the most well-known products obtained as a result of recycling wood waste:

  • Chipboard (particle board);
  • Fiberboard (wood fiberboard);
  • WPC (wood polymer composites);
  • OSB (oriented strand board);
  • Furniture and various joinery products;
  • Wood concrete (arbolite);
  • Solid fuel (briquettes/pellets/Euro firewood);
  • Fuel for smoking meat and fish;
  • Wood for infusing alcohol;
  • Various transport containers;
  • Insulation;
  • Biogas;
  • Biofuel;
  • Pyrolysis gas;
  • Bedding for various animals;
  • Mulch;
  • Compost.

Types of products made from slabs and small-sized birch and aspen.

Slabs and small-sized trees are excellent raw materials for the manufacture of a wide range of products. First of all, they are used to make building materials, and then various products and solid fuels. It is mainly cut into boards. Then they are sorted. Some are used for construction, others for further processing.

Depending on the length and quality of the boards, they are used to make a wide range of popular products, among which the following are often found:

  • Lining or block house;
  • Business board and fence picket;
  • Slats, bars and planks for furniture;
  • Glazing beads for window frames;
  • Fuel briquettes, wood pellets, euro firewood;
  • Synthetic gas;
  • Fuel briquettes are made from sawdust and small chips, by pressing for the metallurgical industry;
  • Resin and synthetic gas are obtained from bark.

Experts from the “Geoburo” company have identified the main and most promising areas in the processing of forest waste or non-construction wood, namely small birch, aspen, slabs and sawdust. But now about the GOLD vein that we announced, and this vein can be the processing of all this waste into two main products.

The first is the production of wood chips and from it wood concrete (arbolite) and construction from it from agricultural houses to ecological houses.

The second direction, which we want to linger longer, is the processing of these residues into charcoal and its processing into activated carbon.

Activated Carbon Market Analysis, Growth Trends to 2035

Raw Materials (Coal, Coconut Shell, Wood)

According to experts from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the expansion of the segment may be due to the growing demand for clean drinking water, since carbon has a large surface area, mesopores that more easily absorb contaminants, and microspores that can be used as an inexpensive filter material. The Environmental Protection Agency claims that activated carbon filters can effectively remove 225 pollutants.

End User (Water Treatment, Air Purification, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Technologies)

The global activated carbon market was valued at US $4 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach US $6.5 billion by 2031, and reach US $9.5 billion per year by the end of 2035. This means that the annual growth rate will be 7% till 2031 and a sharp increase of 9% from 2031 to 1935.

The activated carbon market is witnessing a steady growth across the globe, fueled by the growing awareness of environmental pollution, stringent regulations on water and air quality, and expanding industrial applications. Activated carbon, known for its exceptional adsorption properties and versatility, finds wide application in various industries including water treatment, air purification, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, automotive, and many more.
Moreover, the introduction of stringent regulations on air and water quality by governments around the world creates a favorable environment for the expansion of the market.

Driving Forces of the Activated Carbon Market!

Increasing Environmental Regulations: Stringent environmental laws regarding air and water pollution are driving the activated carbon market. Governments across the world are increasingly tightening standards for industrial wastewater, water treatment, and air quality. For example, in the US, $3.4 billion has been allocated to upgrade water infrastructure under the National Clean Water Fund in 2022, which will encourage the increased use of activated carbon in water treatment. Additionally, the European Union’s Green Deal adopted in 2020, with stricter regulations on carbon emissions and air pollution, is increasing the demand for activated carbon for air filtration. Such regulations are forcing industries to use more sophisticated filtration and purification technologies, such as activated carbon, to meet the set standards.

Rising Industrial Pollution: The highest rate of industrialization, mainly in developing countries, has contributed significantly to the growth of the activated carbon market. According to the World Bank, industrial air pollution costs an estimated $5 trillion annually, and the need for effective filtration solutions is clear. This will continue to drive growth in manufacturing and chemical industries, as well as the adoption of greener processes that also include activated carbon filters to combat rising pollution. Additionally, mining, petrochemicals, and textiles are major emitters. Activated carbon is required to control emissions and waste in these industries. Growing Demand for Fresh Water in the World: The demand for clean drinking water worldwide is also one of the major factors driving the activated carbon market. According to WHO, 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water, making water purification technologies highly sought after. Activated carbon is used as a primary purification material as it is excellent at removing chlorine, volatile organic compounds, and other substances from water, making it very popular for municipal and residential use. In addition, the markets for water filtration systems, often using activated carbon, are growing rapidly, especially in developing countries.

Technological Advances in Food and Beverage Industry: The food and beverage industry is increasingly using activated carbon for decolorization, flavor modification, and purification. Recently, there has been a significant increase in demand for organic and clean label products, as well as activated carbon for sugar, oil, and syrup purification. The demand for organic plant-based food and beverages is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 10% during the forecast period, and the demand for this product category will drive the demand for activated carbon. In addition, its use in sugar production and juice filtration is driving the market, especially in Europe and North America.

Challenges to the Activated Carbon Market!

High Production Costs: Activated carbon is relatively expensive to produce, especially when coconut shells or coal are used as raw materials. The production process involves both chemical activation and high-temperature processing, making the production process energy-intensive and costly. For example, prices for coconut shells, one of the most natural sources of activated carbon, have risen by 15% over the past five years due to supply shortages and growing demand.

All of the above problems do not concern the Russian market for the production of charcoal and its activation, since this process takes place in Russia, where there is cheap electricity, cheap natural gas, fairly cheap labor and a large amount of cheap raw materials in the form of slabs and non-industrial wood of birch and aspen.
We believe that there is no global structure for such disposal of such waste on the Russian market, and the company that is the first to engage in this type of activity will be beyond competition in the next 10 years.

The article was prepared by Andrey Kichaev, an expert at “Geoburo”. December 10, 2024.

We also recommend reading the article on the production of fertilizers from ash obtained by burning sawdust during wood processing, as an addition to this article. HERE

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