How Can a Foreigner Open a Farm in Russia?

Both foreign citizens as well as stateless persons have the right to open farms in Russia. The procedure for registering a peasant farm is similar to that of registering natural persons as entrepreneurs.

However, first of all, a foreigner will have to obtain a temporary admission status in order to be able to conduct business in Russia. It is advisable to obtain such permission in the region where you plan to open a farm. We will take care of all the legal formalities of the procedure, prepare the necessary documents, and select the business after conducting its audit.

Our experts will provide comprehensive support at the stage of land plot selection or in the process of searching for an operating company.

  1. We will find a suitable factory and negotiate for its optimal price;
  2. We will help to purchase a share of the company with highly efficient agricultural activities;
  3. We will open an agricultural or other type of company based on your requests;
  4. We will assist in finding personnel and purchasing equipment.

You will not have to get into the details concerning Russian legislation and law enforcement practices. Just set the task and we will perform it.

What should a Foreign Citizen do First to Open his Own Farm in Russia?

If the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit has already been completed, it is necessary to contact the local tax office. Registration of the farm is carried out in several stages:

  • If you are going to involve partners in the business, an agreement concerning the creation of a peasant farm will be required;
  • Then you need to pay a state fee and make the copies of your passport;
  • The application for state farm registration must be notarized;
  • You need to choose a tax regime and apply for a transition to a preferential group;
  • All the documents are sent to the tax authorities. In response, they issue a letter with statistics codes;
  • After registration, it is necessary to open a bank account.

Special methods of paying taxes include the simplified tax system and single agricultural tax.

If you do not choose one of them, you will have to make payments according to a standard system that does not provide benefits. Unless you submit an application for the transition to the special tax treatment in the process of registering the peasant farm, you will have to wait until the end of the calendar year in order to have the opportunity to file a petition. If everything is done correctly, the tax rate will not exceed 6%.

How Can a Foreign Citizen Register a Farm?

You can contact the tax office in person or via the Internet. Many people use mail. Apart from passport, you will need a properly drafted application. A peasant farm should be registered for more than one person. First of all, you will have to conclude an agreement, where the following should be indicated:

  • head of the farm;
  • information about shareholders;
  • methods of forming a property fund;
  • the procedure of natural persons’ involvement etc.

After receiving a notification about the assignment of a registration number, it will be necessary to open a bank account. While filing the petition to the tax office, you will need to submit the application with the chosen tax regime.

We will take care of all these nuances. The procedure will be completed as fast as possible, and you will save time as well as money while opening a peasant farm, thanks to the professional work of our lawyers.