What Types of Crops are Grown in Russia?

The areas occupied by certain crops vary from year to year. But the basic proportions remain the same. Given the huge variety of fertile territories in Russia, the land plots are sown with the variety of plant species. There can be identified ten most popular and sought-after crops that bring the maximum income to agricultural producers.

What Amount of Soybeans and Sugar Beets is Grown in the Country?

These two plant species occupy the last positions of the list. Soybeans are famous for their yield. They also contain a lot of protein (up to 50%), that is why vegetarians love them. In our country, soybeans occupy about 12,000 hectares. Most of the soybeans (60%) are grown in the Far East (Amur, Khabarovsk, and Primorsky Regions), and about 30% of them are found in southern Russia, Krasnodar, and Stavropol Regions. There are farms where soybeans are grown. They are located in Black Soil Region and even in Siberia.

Beets are mostly grown in mid-latitudes. And there are such harvests that a large amount of sugar made from them is exported. A little more than twenty one thousand hectares of fertile land and about 500 thousand hectares of less fertile soils of the Volga region are allocated for beets.

How are the Things with Potatoes and Corn?

In Russia, there are no main courses that can be prepared without potatoes. At least once a week, potatoes are cooked in one form or another. We love and respect this root vegetable. And it is relatively unpretentious when it is being grown. 24,000 hectares of land were allocated for this type of crop. |According to our experts, this number does not include homestead and other areas where ordinary people plant potatoes, as well as small farms in the Urals and Siberia. These territories may take up to 200 thousand hectares throughout the country.

The situation with the official corn planting is better. However, most of the crops grown in Russia are forage ones. There are also grain plantations, but figures related to them are a bit more modest.

  • 1. 21,100 hectares of land are used for growing fodder corn types.
  • 2. Grain crops occupy 12,500 hectares.

The total area of planation is 33.6 thousand hectares. This is a high-yielding product that is valued in the western world. Corn refers to very promising crops that are always in demand. That is why foreign citizens coming to Russia could specialize in growing it.

What Amount of Oats and Rye is Obtained in Russia?

The main purpose of oats is obtaining cattle fodder. That's why this crop plant is extremely important for the Russian agro-industrial complex. A significantly smaller amount of it gets to the tables of the ordinary citizens in the forms of:

  • oatmeal;
  • oat flour;
  • flour and so on.

For this reason, oat crops are becoming increasingly popular and now they occupy 34,500 hectares of land. However, they can be hardly compared to rye crops, which take up a little less than 40 thousand hectares or 100,000 acres. Rye kvass and bread are very popular in the country, and flour or derivatives of this plant are used in these products.

What is Interesting about Barley and Other Herbs?

Barley has become even more popular than the plants mentioned above due to its fodder properties. It is perfect for livestock feeding. As for the area, barley occupies 87,200 hectares. If we talk about forage plants, we must mention 148.6 thousand hectares of land occupied by forage grasses of various kinds. They are used for livestock feed.

What is Grown More Often than Other Types of Plants?

Most of the agricultural land in Russia is planted with sunflowers (151,900 hectares) and wheat (252,800 hectares). Moreover, the area of wheat does not include its spring-planted species. From wheat flour, people bake bread, make macaroni, sweets, and other goods. Sunflowers are used to produce oil.

For you, we will select the best land plots suitable for specific types of crops, and then, we will help to register them in the proper way.