In 7 months of 2024 we sold all the objects that were in this selection.

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  • Agricultural land for sale in the Kaluga region, Baryatinsky district – 1,400 hectares (3,500 acres). The identification number is Ka.1-1400.

Fallow agricultural land, partly overgrown with shrubs and trees. Nearby there is another 2,000 hectares of land for rent. As a result, up to 3,400 hectares of agricultural land can be collected.
The rental price is $24 per hectare per year.
Sale of 1,400 hectares – 30,000 rubles per hectare.
PRICE of the entire block = $700,000.
The dollar exchange rate on June 15 is 60 rubles per dollar, which is equal to 500 dollars per hectare. The land is sold in rubles, the exchange rate may change. CHECK BEFORE YOU BUY. When making a request for a land plot, indicate its identification number: Ka.1-1400.

  • Land for sale 993 hectares (2,482 acres) of agricultural land near the village of Mikhali, Iznoskovsky district, Kaluga region. The identification number is Ka.2-993.

160 kilometers from the city of Moscow. The lands are collected in two arrays, at a distance of 5 km from each other, located next to an asphalt road (there is an officially agreed exit from the road). Gas and electricity are adjacent to the land plot, the Shan River flows along part of the land plot. The soil is loam. Part of the land plot is overgrown with bushes and trees, the land has not been used for more than 15 years. The price per hectare is $385. The total price of the entire land block is: 382,350 US dollars. When making a request for a land plot, indicate its identification number: Ka.2-993.

  • Land for sale in the Kaluga region, Ulyanovsk region, 3,500 hectares with old buildings. The identification number is Ka.3-3500.

Agricultural land was cultivated for several years and began to overgrow with trees and shrubs. The road (concrete slabs), next to the passages of the highway with natural gas. Distance: 300 km from Moscow, 230 km from Tula, 150 km from Kaluga. The price for one hectare is 20,000 rubles or approximately 330 US dollars. The price of the entire land block is $1,155,000. The dollar exchange rate at the time of calculation was 60 rubles per dollar. Check the final price before buying. In Russia, the transaction takes place only in rubles according to the laws of Russia, so the link to the dollar price depends on the dollar exchange rate at the time of purchase. When making a request for a land plot, indicate its identification number: Ka.3-3500.

  • Land for sale 615 hectares (1537 acres) in the Kaluga region, Lyudinovsky district, in the rural rural settlement of Bukan, near the village of Kotovichi. The identification number is Ka.4-615.

All fields are in one place in a continuous array. There are overgrown areas of about 50 hectares. All other fields are processed. Electricity runs along the border of some plots. A few kilometers from the sites there is a village where you can rent agricultural equipment or a room for storing agricultural equipment. The price is 24,000 rubles per hectare or $400 based on the dollar exchange rate of 60 rubles per dollar. In Russia, land plots are sold only for rubles according to the law. Therefore, prices will be adjusted before purchase. The block is sold as a whole, without the possibility of cutting off a smaller section from it. The price for the entire block is about 15 million rubles or 250,000 US dollars. When making a request for a land plot, indicate its identification number: Ka.4-615.

  • Land for sale 1466 hectares (3665 acres) in the Kaluga region, Tarussky district, the village of Roshcha. The identification number is Ka.5-1466.

All fields are in one place in a continuous array. The fields are partly cultivated for the collection of hay, and partly overgrown with shrubs. The price is 12,000 rubles per hectare or 200 US dollars based on the dollar exchange rate of 60 rubles per one dollar. In Russia, land plots are sold only for rubles according to the law. Therefore, prices will be adjusted before purchase. The block is sold as a whole, without the possibility of cutting off a smaller section from it. The price for the whole block is about 18 million rubles or 300,000 US dollars. When making a request for a land plot, indicate its identification number: Ka.5-1466.

  • Land for sale 1050 hectares (2625 acres) in the Kaluga region, Medynsky district, the rural settlement of the village of Gusevo. The identification number is Ka.6-1050.

The land mass consists of 18 plots, for agricultural purposes, 1050 hectares. The soil is loam, not used for a long time, slightly overgrown with shrubs. One of the plots is supplied with electricity (power lines) and gas. The price is 24,000 rubles per hectare or $400 based on the dollar exchange rate of 60 rubles per dollar. In Russia, land plots are sold only for rubles according to the law. Therefore, prices will be adjusted before purchase. The block is sold as a whole, without the possibility of cutting off a smaller section from it. The price for the entire block is about 25 million rubles or 400,000 US dollars. When making a request for a land plot, indicate its identification number: Ka.6-1050.

You can see the operating agro-enterprise of 1400 hectares at this link


Property Description

Kaluga Region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District. Located in the center of the European part of Russia. In the XIV century, part of the Kaluga lands was under the control of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

From 1796 to 1929 Kaluga Governorate was an independent administrative-territorial unit within the Russian Empire and the RSFSR. The region was formed in 1944.

Map of the Kaluga region for 2022
Map of the Kaluga region for 2022

It borders on the Troitsky administrative district of the city of Moscow, on the Moscow, Tula, Bryansk, Smolensk, Oryol regions. The area is 29,777 km². Population – 1,012,844 people, population density – 34 people / km², proportion of urban population: 75%. The regional center is the city of Kaluga, located 143 km from the city of Moscow, the population of Kaluga is 335,500 people.

Railway station of the city of Kaluga
Railway station of the city of Kaluga

The climate of the Kaluga region is temperate continental with pronounced seasons: moderately hot and humid summers and moderately cold winters with stable snow cover. The average temperature in July is from +18°C in the north to +21°C in the south, in January from -12°C to -8°C. The warm period (with a positive average daily temperature) lasts 205 (north) – 220 (south) days.

The average annual air temperature ranges from 3.5-4.0 in the north and north-east to 4.0-4.6 degrees in the west and south of the region. The average duration of the frost-free period in the region is 203-223 days. The coldest northern part of the region. Its central part belongs to moderately cold. In the south of the region, in the forest-steppe zone, the climate is relatively warm. The coldest in the region is in the Obninsk region, the warmest is in the Zhizdra region. According to the amount of precipitation, the territory of the Kaluga region can be attributed to the zone of sufficient moisture. The distribution of precipitation over the territory is uneven. Their number ranges from 780 to 826 mm in the north and west to 690-760 mm in the south.

The hydrography of the Kaluga region is the following: 2043 rivers flow in the region with a total length of 11,670 km. Of these, 280 rivers have a length of more than 10 km, with a total length of 7455 km, and there are 1763 rivers and very small streams (streams) less than 10 km long in the region. Their total length is 4215 km. The average density of the river network is 0.35 km/km². The basis of the water system is the Oka River, other large rivers of the region are the Ugra, Zhizdra, Bolva, Protva, Vorya, Ressa, Shan, Yachenka.

There are 19 reservoirs in the region with a total volume of more than 1 million m³ each. The total volume of reservoirs is about 87 million m³, of which 30 million m³. Reservoirs – Lompad (Upper Lyudinovskoye) on the Nepolot River (a tributary of the Bolva River), located in the Lyudinovsky District, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mirror is 870 hectares; Verkhne-Kirovskoye on the Pesochnya River (a tributary of the Bolva River), located in the Kirovsky District with a surface area of ​​215 hectares; Brynskoye on the Bryn River in the Duminichsky District (a tributary of the Zhizdra River) with an area of ​​790 hectares; Milyatinskoye on the Bolshaya Vorona River (a tributary of the Ugra River) in the Baryatinsky District with an area of ​​458 hectares; Yachenskoye reservoir on the Yachenka River with an area of ​​230 hectares. The number of lakes in the region is small, among them are the lakes Bezdon, Svyatoe, Galkino, Bezymyannoye, Sosnovoe (Baryatinsky, Dzerzhinsky, Yukhnovsky, Kozelsky, Zhizdrinsky districts).

River Ugra
River Ugra

There are about 500 peat bogs on the territory of the region. The area of ​​most of them does not exceed 100 hectares. The swampiness of the region is less than 1%. Bogs are distributed unevenly throughout the region. The most swampy are the northwestern and western regions – the basin of the Ugra River, as well as the Bryansk-Zhizdrinskoe woodland. The largest swamps are Ignatovskoe, Kalugovskoe, Krasnikovskoe, Shatino.

The soils in the Kaluga region are predominantly soddy-podzolic soils (occupying approximately 70%. Soddy-strongly podzolic soils are common on the watersheds. In the northern part of the territory in the east and southeast of the region, predominantly soddy-weakly podzolic soils, in floodplains – alluvial. In the south Soddy-podzolic gley and gleyic soils are widespread, with predominantly gray and light gray soils in the central part and east (occupying about 12%).

Agriculture in the Kaluga region, mainly consists of:
Dairy and meat cattle breeding. Along with the main industry, agricultural commodity producers are engaged in poultry farming, growing grain crops, potatoes, and vegetables. In the structure of the land fund of the Kaluga region, agricultural land is 1,818,000 hectares, including agricultural land – 1,140,000 hectares, including 856,000 hectares of arable land. The rural population of the Kaluga Region at the beginning of 2022 is 24% of the total population.
Dairy cattle breeding in the region is a priority industry and the main source of income for most farms. In January-December 2022, farms of all categories produced 306 thousand tons of milk. Dairy complexes of the Kaluzhskaya Niva company were opened in the Peremyshl and Ferzikovsky districts for 5,600 heads. Dairy complexes are being built and reconstructed in Dzerzhinsky, Ulyanovsk, Ferzikovsky, Kozelsky, Baryatinsky districts. The dairy farming support program led to an increase in milk yield to 6648 kg per cow. Since 2012, the program “100 robotic farms” has been operating in the region, the technology of robotization of the dairy industry has been introduced and is actively operating, which ensures production stability and high quality indicators with minimal need for labor resources. 130 robots are already working in 32 farms.
Beef cattle breeding, in January-December 2017, in farms of all categories, cattle and poultry for slaughter (in live weight) were produced – 113 thousand tons. In January-December 2017, compared to January-December 2016, the volume of production of livestock and poultry for slaughter (in live weight) increased by 9.3%. The largest project in the area of ​​beef farming is being implemented by Agroholding Miratorg. The sites operate in 5 districts of the region, the number of beef cattle is almost 14 thousand heads. Large producers are the Angus Genetics Center of the Babyninsky District, the DIK Enterprise of the Babyninsky District and the Bioproduct Agro of the Zhizdrinsky District.
In the Medynsky district, Samson-Ferma LLC breeds guinea fowl. In 2016, the construction of a rabbit farm was completed, designed for the one-time maintenance of 10 thousand heads of rabbits from Anna Vysotskaya’s farm.
Fish farming There are a number of fish farms in the Kaluga region. In 2017, shrimp began to be grown at the Russian Shrimp enterprise in the Maloyaroslavetsky District. The enterprise “Kaluzhskaya trout” of the Przemysl district has reached its design capacity.

Crop production, starting from 2020, the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops amounted to 296 thousand tons (in 2019 – 243 thousand tons), with a yield of 3.3 tons per hectare (in 2019 – 3.4 tons per hectare).
In the structure of the cost of livestock products, a significant share falls on feed. Potato production in all categories of farms amounted to 309 thousand tons with a yield of 14.5 tons per hectare. In all categories of farms in 2016, 108 thousand tons of vegetables were produced. More than 270 tons of mushrooms were produced at the enterprises of the “Master of the Earth” in the Khvastovichi district and in “Griboyedoff”.

Fields of the Kaluga region
Fields of the Kaluga region

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