Brand new warehouse or storage base, located near the center of Volgograd.
Consists of a land plot of 1.7 hectares,
– administrative building and warehouse complex 2226 m2,
– detached warehouse with garages 520 m2,
– stand-alone warehouse 100 m2,
The territory is completely fenced with a capital brick fence, good access roads for heavy trucks, several entrances and exits to the territory, everywhere asphalt, premises are heated from its own gas boiler (large capacity for gas 93 cube per hour), large power for electricity (120 kV per hour can be increased to 250 kV per hour), large volumes of hot and cold water supply, the building is completely renovated “turnkey”, repair is very high quality and thoughtful all the details, in the office part of the building expensive repair, everywhere new copper wiring, led lights, the city centre is a 15-minute drive away.

The price of the object is 950 000 us dollars or 330 us dollars for one square meter of the room.

Our group of companies includes different divisions:
1. Business broker – will select for you the desired land plot or profitable enterprise and will help to conduct a transaction for its purchase.
2. A law firm that will help you obtain a residence permit and then obtain citizenship. Our land and construction lawyers will help you to obtain a building permit and will provide you with any legal assistance and support.
3. Our management company can manage your business in Russia. Then you will not need to be permanently in Russia, you will be able to earn income by living at home.
4. Our recruitment Agency will help you to choose for you the personnel from the maid and the driver to the accountant and the agronomist.
5. Our construction company will help you to design and build – Ranch, Farm, Villa, Chateau or any other object on your request.


Property Description

Volgograd is better known as Stalingrad and is the Central city for the Volgograd region.

Statue of Motherland in Volgograd

The population of Volgograd is 1 015 000 people, the population of the whole Volgograd region is more than 2.5 million people. Volgograd region is located in the South-East of the East European plain, the South of the region is located on the Scythian plate. In the North it borders with Saratov region, in the North-West it borders with Voronezh region, in the West it borders with Rostov region, in the South-East it borders with Astrakhan region, in the South with the Republic of Kalmykia, and in the East with Kazakhstan.

Center Of Volgograd

Volgograd stands on the most famous Russian river Volga, and it feeds the city with its waters.

The embankment of the Volga in Volgograd.

Volgograd region is a dry region, with a pronounced continental. The North-Western part is located in the meadow steppe zone, the Eastern part in the semi-desert zone, approaching the real deserts with a dry sharply continental climate. Pallasovsky district to the South and South-East of lake El’ton to the South-East of the tract Kalmyk Spadina and in the South-Eastern part of the Svetloyarskiy district. The average temperature in January from -7 to -12, July from 22 to 25. The average annual precipitation falls in the North-West to 510 mm on the slopes of the Northern and Eastern exposure Kalach. Uryupinsk and Nehaevsky districts and about 460 mm in the Mikhailovka district due to a large cement plant, in the South-East less than 260 mm. the Absolute maximum heat +42…+45 °C is usually observed in July and August.


In the Volgograd region is a large production of high-quality grain, corn, cereals, oilseeds and vegetable oil production, grown – vegetables, fruits and melons.

Grain harvesting

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