Land for sale 3 000 hectares, divided into two separate plots.

The land plots are located compactly, in two blocks adjacent to each other.
~ 30% arable land USD 300 per hectare
~ 30% hayfields and pastures USD 250 per hectare
~ 30% young growth of the forest (birch / aspen) USD 200 per hectare.

Additionally, you can purchase about 30 buildings and structures for agricultural purposes:
Agricultural garage with mechanical yard, repair box, grain drying complex with bunkers for grain storage, cowshed, gas cylinder warehouse, metal warehouse, electrical warehouse (destroyed), farm warehouse, calf barn, residential building (office), residential building (sauna ), a kindergarten, a cowshed (destroyed), an asphalt area, a storage area, a garage, a grain warehouse, a hay storage.

Request prices for infrastructure objects in letters.

Information about the Smolensk region you can read here: You can see a similar object of 3 850 hectares but without infrastructure facilities here


Property Description

The Smolensk region borders on five regions of Russia: in the north – with Pskov and Tver, in the east – with Moscow, in the southeast – with Kaluga, in the south – with Bryansk. From an economic and geographical point of view, the position is undoubtedly favorable, which creates favorable conditions for the development of all areas of activity in the region. An assessment of the political and geographical situation would be incomplete without pointing out the territorial proximity of the European Union and NATO, which are actually second-order neighbors for the Smolensk region.
The transport and geographical position of the region is unique: the Smolensk region is the most important transport and communication hub. From east to west, the region is crossed by a transport corridor connecting Central Russia with Western Europe. Its basis is the Moscow-Minsk-Warsaw-Berlin railway and highway. The Smolensk region is often called the “Western Gate to Moscow.” From north to south, the region is crossed by the St. Petersburg – South of Russia road transport corridor. The shortest route from Central Russia to Western Europe passes through the region: the distance from Smolensk to Berlin is 1 470 km. Transport routes connect the region with the largest ports on the Baltic: from Smolensk to Riga – 617 km, to St. Petersburg – 706 km.
The Smolensk region has a population of more than 864 000 people, and the city of Smolensk itself has a population of almost 311 000 people.

Assumption Cathedral in the city of Smolensk

Additional description of the Smolensk region at this link

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