Our agricultural consulting company offers you to invest in Russian agriculture.
Do you want to have your own stable and promising agricultural business in Russia?
One of the most profitable areas is the production of feed (hay, granulated feed).
This is an easy-to-start and highly profitable business with a wide development potential.
In the Russian Federation, there are regions with a moderate climate and high annual precipitation: Tver Region, Vladimir Region, Ivanovo Region, Yaroslavl Region, Smolensk Region, Novgorod Region.
These are regions with an ideal climate for growing organic feed.
The Vologda region is the best in the production of high-quality butter, the Kostroma region is the best in the production of hard cheeses.
Regions where butter and cheese are produced need high-quality feed to increase the fat content of milk and the quality of the product produced.
The products produced from these regions are in great demand among Russians, these are organic farm products: milk, butter, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese.
In the conditions of climate change on the planet, the reduction of precipitation in some countries, the appearance of spring frosts and the loss of part of the crop in other countries, the depletion of soils, the export of high-quality feed from Russia is a stable and popular business for many years to come.
THIS INFORMATION AND CALCULATIONS WERE WRITTEN AT THE END OF 2021, when the dollar exchange rate was 75 rubles. After the events began in Ukraine, the dollar exchange rate increased by more than 90 rubles, so take this into account in your calculations. Or you can always ask our experts in agribusiness, legal issues or realtors to find an object that you did not find on the site, but that you need according to your request.
$200 |
Property Description
We offer you assistance in setting up a business for the production of green feed in Russia
Our services:
Purchase of a land plot from 500 to 3 000 hectares.
Opening a legal entity in the form of an LLC — $ 1 800 (with a legal address).
Purchase of agricultural machinery.
Creation of a storage area for agricultural machinery and hay.
Hiring of personnel: business managers, tractor operators, machine operators, and other personnel.
Transfer of the finished business to the customer after the start of all work — in 3-4 months.
Dry hay of wild herbs in rolls.
Dry hay of varietal seeded grasses in rolls.
Wet hay (haylage) of varietal seeded grasses in rolls.
Promising products (after 2-3 years of production):
Granulated feed for the domestic market.
Granulated feed for export.
Seeds of varietal forage grasses for the domestic market.
Seeds of varietal forage grasses for export.
Varietal forage grasses:
Meadow clover (Trifolium pratensis L.) – yield 11 tons/hectare
Meadow timothy (Phlum pratense L.) – yield of 9 tons/hectare
Smooth Brome (Bromopsis inermis Leyss.) – yield of 13 tons/hectare
Meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) – yield 8 tons/hectare
Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) – yield of 8 tons/hectare
Reed fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) – yield of 13 tons/hectare
Dactylis glomerata (Dactylis glomerata L.) – yield 10 tons/hectare
Spring vetch (Vicia sativa L.) – yield of 6 tons/hectare
Pasture ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) – yield 12 tons/hectare
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. westerwoldicum Witm.) – yield of 9 tons/hectare
The yield of wild grasses (in the regions listed earlier) is 3-5 tons/hectare.
The price of hay in the domestic market of Russia is 4 500 rubles( 60 US dollars), per ton in the summer and from 7 500 rubles (100 US dollars) per ton in the winter.
Agricultural machinery:
Tractors, mowers, rakes, balers, roll winders, loaders, trailers, plows, harrows, seeders.
The amount of necessary equipment depends on the area of the purchased plot.
The cost of a minimum set of agricultural machinery for the production of hay on a small plot is $ 30 000.
The cost of the land plot is 200-400 $ per hectare.
The cost of a land plot depends on its productivity and the degree of readiness for doing business.
Land plots that have not been used for several years and have started to become overgrown with bushes are cheaper. Land plots that can be mowed immediately after purchase are more expensive.
The minimum land area is 500 hectares ($100 000).
Labor costs, taxes, transportation costs – 20 000 — 30 000 $.
Cost of storage facilities and storage areas for hay rolls – 25 000 — 50 000 $.
Cost of business creation services (firm, equipment, personnel, production start-up) – 20 000 — 30 000 $.
Total: The entire business can be created from $195 000
For sale is a plot of land ready for hay production in the Tver region — 1 600 hectares.
The price is $ 220 per hectare when buying the entire plot.
The minimum block is 500 hectares, the price is $ 250 per hectare.
We recommend reading the article about the cultivation of clover in Russia
You can read an article about clover HERE